Monday 27 May 2024

Live In 2024: Blair Dunlop Live at Acapela Studios, Pentyrch on Thursday 16th May 2023

It's always a pleasure to have Blair Dunlop back in Cardiff and especially back in Acapela Studios where he seems so at home. He's always enjoyed playing the venue with its pristine sound quality and respectful audience and tonight was no different.

But before Blair took to the stage we were treated to a duo called Painted Sky. Consisting of siblings Hollie & George Brandon. They would both join Blair later as part of his band but tonight took the opportunity to play several songs from their just released album From The Blue.
A nice connection being that Blair Recorded, mixed and produced said album'

Unfortunately I cannot find any of the songs they played tonight on YouTube so I've included the couple I can find to give you a taste of the songs and type of music they play.

From The Blue

Songs from the album they played tonight included The Lakes Of Colfinn, Dead Man's Jumper, The Three Tuns and Coming Home.

The Unquiet Grave

Both excellent instrumentalists they played with verve and passion and when their voices blended together in harmonies it resonates as only siblings singing together can. 
Blair has made a excellent album with them and I hope they go on to bigger and better things as their careers develop.

Within minutes of Painted Sky closing their set Blair Dunlop came to the stage. He only has two dates to go on this current tour, arranged to coincide with the release of his new album, Out Of The Rain.
And most of the songs in tonight's set were chosen from this new album. A superb choice as it's probably Blair's strongest set of songs to date and has been spectacularly produced by Folk Royalty, Mr Jim Moray.

Now it seems as if I have been following Blair since he was in short trousers and definitely before the release of his debut album Blight & Blossom in 2012. Part of my Holy Folk Trinity with Luke Jackson & Benjamin Francis Leftwich, they all emerged at more or less the same time and I've been lucky enough to see all three perform this year with only Luke Jackson left to release his 2024 album it's been a fabulous year for the boys. 

Blair took to the stage with just his guitar and first track played tonight is from the new album, For All The Trees highlight's Blair's considerable guitar skills which he has honed over the years. It's a gentle start to what will be a fabulous night of music.

Second up tonight was the first 'single' taken from Out Of The Rain, if there are such things these days, the upbeat I Wanna Be Running.

I Wanna Be Running

With the crowd now obviously on his side Blair keeps the uptempo vibe going with the extremely catchy Sweet On You from 2018's Notes From An Island album.

Sweet On You

A lovely surprise of the evening's performance came next as Blair explained he had been listening to Bob Dylan and had decided to slip this song into the set. From the classic Blood On The Tracks album, You're Gonna Make Me Lonely when You Go - minus harmonica!! He had an excellent response to playing this track and maybe signposts as to where his next record might take him.

Bob Dylan - You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go

After this triumph, Blair is joined on stage by Hollie on Fiddle and Archie Churchill-Moss on Diatonic Accordion
The first song for the trio was taken from 2016's Gilded album, the dynamic No Go Zones.

No Go Zones

Now with the added instrumentation, the songs took yet another dimension. Keeping these songs fresh over the years must be a consideration for Blair and by changing the instrumentation he has found a simple but effective way of playing the songs without their usual electric guitars and keyboards.

We then return once more to the Notes From An Island album for it's opener, the sultry Spices From The East which gave Archie a chance to show his skills with some gorgeous accordion work filling out the sound.

The rest of tonight's performance is then dedicated to the new album, Out Of The Rain - which you really need in your life.

It's always a tough sell playing an evening of mostly brand new unheard songs but the Acapela audience lapped them up tonight. Every song got a splendid response which made the band up their game and for them and the audience it was an evening of smiles.

Getting their debut Acapela performances tonight were then
Midday Mass & Boots On The Side 

It was then time for George to Join in the party as the band launched into 1989 San Remo Conqueror - another of Blair's 'Car Songs' to make an album. Album opener Ain't No Harm comes next, another slow burner.

It's then time for the band to get upbeat again and close tonight's show with Brick On Brick and current single Let's Get Out Of The City - one of the highlights of the new album.

Let's Get Out Of The City

For the encore Blair turns to the as yet unreleased theme he composed for the Countryfile Podcast called The Plodcast, the lovely Take Me With You and a special way to close an assured and beautiful show from a young man now happy in his skin and making music of quality and distinction.

Click on links below for

X (Twitter) - @paintedskyfolk


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